Open-Source Video-Conference-Webrtc

Open-Source Video-Conference-Webrtc 
Installation of Open-Source Video-Conference-Webrtc in linux [ Centos / Redhat / Debian / Ubuntu ]

WebRTC is a free, open project that provides browsers and mobile applications with Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities via simple APIs. The WebRTC components have been optimized to best serve this purpose.

Image result for webrtc

Complete client/server application demonstrating how to setup a video conference with multiple peers using WebRTC.

What the app does
This sample code demonstrates a client/server architecture running on Node.js, that enables users to setup up a video conference. The app makes use of Socket.IO and WebRTC.

When a peer visits, a new room url is generated, which can then be used to invite others to the video conference.

Below is a screenshot of a sample room ( with four users participating in a video conference:

At the moment WebRTC is supported only by a limited number of browsers: Chrome, Firefox and Opera.
Image result for browser

Image source :

Installation : 

First we will install node.js for video conference application.

Node.js is a Javascript platform for server-side programming. It allows users to easily create networked applications that require backend functionality. By using Javascript as both the client and server language, development can be fast and consistent.

Now we will install dependencies for node.js.

#  yum install gcc gcc-c++
#  yum install wget

Now we will fetch tar file of node.js.
# wget
# tar xzvf node-v* 
# cd node-v*

Now compile the node.js package 
# ./configure
# make
# make install

Check the version of node.js

# node --version

Source :

After that will clone node application for video-conference of webrtc

Now clone the repository of video-conference-webrtc
# git clone

Now go to location of video-conference-webrtc

# cd video-conference-webrtc

Now we need to change few lines in video-conference-webrtc
This command will find files which contain "" and "localhost" and change them to your public IP address or private IP address.
find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/' {} \;
find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/localhost/' {} \;

After that we ned to install some configuration of node application using "npm" command.
npm install

Now start the node application using node command.

node server.js

Now check ports in server using net-tool command.
#netstat -tulpn

Now go to browser,

And it will redirect you to the node application of video conference of webrtc.

Source :


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